Airframe Time: 4099 Hours Total Time Right Engine Time: 110 SMOH on IO-360 Lycoming with 2000 TBO Left Engine Time: 110 SMOH on IO-360 Lycoming with 2000 TBO
Right prop Time: 101 SPOH on Feathering de-iced Hartzell two blade Left prop Time: 70 SPOH on Feathering de-iced Hartzell two blade
Useful Load: 1178 Lbs Annual Due: October 2024
Complete logs, No hail. No damage history. No corrosion. 180 HP injected Lycoming 360's burning 9 gallons a side in cruise. A very practical "Baby Baron" for twin training or redundancy over the mountains without the excessive fuel flow of the bigger twins even though this plane has the Optional use Ray-jay turbochargers.