Description of the engines:
Gotowe nowe loze pod Rotax 912. there is a new frame for Rotax 912 engine.
Jest oryginalna kompletna deska rozdzielcza. Przyrzady silnika dla Rotax 582. Original Kitfox gauges. Engine gauges for Rotax 582- this plane prviously flew with Rotax 582
Drzwi- pleksa w drzwiach mysle, ze do wymiany. Owiewki- jeszcze w starym malowaniu. [eng] Doors are OK but plexiglass in my opinion should be new. Engine cover -yes but with old painting - easy to re-paint.
Nowe poszycie ORATEX 6000 kadlub i skrzydla- nowe. New ORATEX 6000 Wings and hull- new.
Fotele, loze pod fotele- uzywane. Seats bed and seats present - used condition
Oryginalnie ten samolot latal z Rotax'em 582 aktualnie przygotowane loze pod Rotax 982 ( nowe). Originally this plane flew with Rotax 582.Bedding for Rotax 912 is new and ready to install.
Other comments:
Kipilem ten samolot jako skonczony i latajacy jednak z uwagi na jego dlugi czas bez lotu i konserwacji zdecydowalem się go odbudować od nowa. [eng]I bought this Kitfox as a completed and flyaing plane but prwvious owner did not flew for long time I've decided to rebuild- make a renovation. Did not finish. I have got new plane.